

snmpscan - SNMP multithread scanner
Version 0.1 by Matteo Cantoni

 Usage: snmpscan [options] --target <IP address or network>

        --target            target IP address/network (CIDR)
        --target-list       target list
        --community         SNMP community; default public,private
        --detect-write      detect SNMP write access
        --snmp-version      SNMP version (1 or v2c); default 1
        --randomize         enable randomize targets
        --port              SNMP port; default 161
        --retries           number of times to retry sending a SNMP message; default 0
        --threads           threads to be used; default 50
        --timeout           number of seconds wait for a response; default 3
        --verbose           enable verbose
        --help              show this help message and exit

 More parameters in 'Default settings'. See the home page (

 Example usage:

  * snmpscan --randomize --threads 100 --timeout 2 --community public --target
  * snmpscan --detect-write --randomize --timeout 1 --verbose --target


Version Link
0.1 (2010/05/12)


[*] Creating IP address list... |
[*] Randoming target hosts...
[*] Options
    . SNMP port      : 161
    . SNMP version   : 1
    . SNMP community : public,private
    . retries        : 0
    . timeout        : 1
    . threads        : 100
    . randomize enabled
    . detect SNMP write access
[*] 768 hosts to scan
[-] Checking *.*.*.78 (read/public/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.215 (write/public/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.48 (read/public/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.86 (read/public/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.230 (write/public/v1)
*.*.*.70|public|v1|ADSL Modem|write
[-] Checking *.*.*.70 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.158 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.158 (read/private/v1)
*.*.*.29|public|v1|ADSL Modem|write
[-] Checking *.*.*.158 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.115 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.208 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.179 (read/public/v1)
*.*.*.238|public|v1|Wireless ADSL Gateway
[-] Checking *.*.*.238 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.43 (read/public/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.185 (read/private/v1)
[-] Checking *.*.*.154 (read/public/v1)
*.*.*.238|private|v1|Wireless ADSL Gateway|write
[*] Enumerated 768 in 49.90 seconds
[*] Found 11 hosts with read access
[*] Found 8 hosts with write access


Snmpscan should not be used against machines you do not own or administrator. This tool might create IDS warnings. The author can't be held responsible for the use and/or misuse of this program.